01787 277267

Contact Us

Address: 3a High Street, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NY

Telephone: 01787 277267

Email: Please complete the form below to send us an email or to sign up for our newsletter

We have noted that some of our emails are not being received (especially to BT Internet email addresses) hence, we ask for a telephone number.

If you are interested in us stocking your self published book, please read this useful guide before contacting us

15 + 12 =

 What a delight and privilege to be a finalist for the East England region of Independent Bookshop Of The Year Award (again) We are up against some amazing bookshops in this region.

The British Book Awards have suggested that the judges would like to hear from our customers as to why YOU lovely people think we should win.

If you would like to do this my website elf has performed some magic and popped a link to the form on their website – just click on the  button below: